Solutions for sports areas

Acoustic mineral baffle 1200x200x40mm with Akuglass RAL 7037 surface in a fitness center in Bratislava.

Sports and Multifunctional Halls, Gyms, and Fitness Centers

The main requirement for acoustic materials in sports spaces is mechanical durability, which dictates the selection of acoustic elements.
High-quality acoustics are crucial in sports spaces for both spectators and participants.
High sound reflectivity negatively affects the experience (for spectators) at sporting events and limits communication between participants (athletes). These spaces are often also used for cultural events where good acoustics are essential.

Specifications of products suitable for application in sports spaces:

  • High mechanical durability
  • Affordable
  • High acoustic efficiency

Examples of Solutions for Sports Spaces

Assignment: Acoustic improvement in a private bowling alley

Description and Solution: A large empty space with smooth walls is ideal for creating echoes. For this bowling alley, durable wooden acoustic panels Akufon with AK01 perforation were designed. White baffles were used on the ceiling, which, together with Akufon, create a nice design for the bowling alley space.

Assignment: Reducing echo and noise in the bowling alley

Description and Solution: Similar to the previous case, it was necessary to reduce echo and noise during bowling. The assignment required orange walls. Obifon Modular acoustic panels with reinforced Akuglass surface in orange were used. The color scheme could also be achieved with Akutec fabric.

Assignment: Acoustic improvement in a private school's gym

Description and Solution: A large space with flat walls is ideal for creating echoes. To prevent excessive echo, durable wooden acoustic panels Akufon BL were designed, suitable for more demanding interior spaces. The panels are used in the private Guliver School in Banská Štiavnica.

Assignment: Eliminating excessive echo in the swimming pool

Description and Solution: Similar to the gym, the swimming pool also generates significant echo. In this swimming pool, Baffle Mineral ceiling acoustic panels were chosen as a solution, suitable even for humid environments. The white color of the acoustic panels was complemented by yellow diagonal designs, which nicely complete the overall ceiling design. Similar panels were used to solve acoustics in the Levice swimming pool.

Assignment: Improving acoustics in the Sports Hall in Levice

Description and Solution: In sporting events with a large number of people, it's crucial to avoid unnecessary echo. The experience of cheering and sports performance is much better. In the Sports Hall in Levice, it was recommended to use OBIFON Resident acoustic wall panels. It was important that they blend into the original color scheme - the panels were made in white.

Assignment: Eliminating excessive echo in the US Steel Košice Arena

Description and Solution: In such large enclosed sports venues, it's crucial to pay attention to acoustics. The large number of fans who enthusiastically express their emotions creates significant noise. Proper sound damping is essential. Therefore, we produced ceiling acoustic panels - Baffle for the US Steel Košice Arena. You can verify their effectiveness yourself at one of the matches or at an unconventional event, as shown in the attached photo.

=> HERE you can get inspired by some of our sports space projects


Ceiling acoustic Baffle A2

Ceiling acoustic Baffle A2

The non-flammable acoustic ceiling panel OBIFON Baffle A2 consists of an absorbent mineral core with surface treatment. The panel is hung…
Akufon Resident

Akufon Resident

Perforated HDF 3mm board in non-flammable design on a mineral substrate is an economical panel that combines the beauty of wood with…